Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Is Spina Bifida Awareness Month

 Here is a post from one of our newest members Carmen Iris Roldan about a cause we all need to get behind and support! We will be adding some links to information and awareness about this disease and ways to support families and babies affected by it
Carmen: "It gets me down that Spina Bifida Awareness month isn't as big of a deal to the world as other causes. Can you imagine as a pregnant woman finding out your baby has a major birth defect of it's spine? And being told that your baby will live a life of poor quality. Having no information and being offered to terminate your pregnancy immediately. Finding a support group and personal research saved my cousins baby girl. She can not imagine her life without her little angel. She gave her life meaning. And she is beyond perfect to her mom and to our entire family and friends.... She is the happiest baby i have ever seen regardless her disabilities! Is her life as easy as most? No. And she has a long road ahead of her. But she wouldn't have it any other way. Spread the word: October is SB awareness month! All woman of child bearing age should being taking folic acid... I Love you Lyla and Lysette Cespedes!!!!!!"  Let's all send Carmen, Lyla, Lysette, Lisa, BJ and Evangeline Kugler our love and supports in the form of comments to this post or by messaging Carmen and Mrs. Kugler (Lisa) through the friend connect box on this page. Until next time, Live well, take care of one another and be aware of Spina Bifida for this and all other months! ~Teresa


Carmen Roldan said...

Thank you Teresa for sharing!!! I am fully supporting my beautiful cousin on her awareness mission! Our little angel Lyla is just so amazing! I love her dearly!


Teresa said...

This was just too important of an issue not to post! We have a quest blogger coming in a few days. She had Spina Bifida and is going to educate my readers about her story.